The company

Who we are
Since 1969, we have been providing water and wastewater solutions of superior quality, with the smallest environmental footprint, recognizing the needs our customers.


At IDATOR we take care of the water and we are committed to offer the most innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing water challenges. Solutions that are energy efficient and have the smallest environmental footprint.

From 1969, when the family-owned business was founded, till this day, we continue to provide top quality and comprehensive solutions, related to clean water and wastewater.

Some of the areas of our solutions include:

  • Clean water pumping solutions
  • Sewage water treatment
  • Water supply
  • Firefighting systems
  • HVAC
  • Drainage control
  • Metering of chemical liquids filtration
  • Transport and pumping of special liquids

With sustainable development being a main pillar of the company, we seek partnerships with factories that manufacture products according to strict specifications and in an environmentally sound way.

Apart from being an exclusive distributor and representative of major brands in the Greek market (such as Lowara, Flygt, Wedeco, Sanitaire, Itron, Seko, OASE, etc.), Idator manufactures firefighting systems and pressure tanks following all applicable specifications.

Furthermore, in the context of providing comprehensive service to our partners, our team of experienced professionals can undertake the repair and maintenance of all our products, both in our facility and on-site, by following the relevant manufacturing processes. Idator’s well-trained engineers in combination with its state-of-the-art equipment, guarantee the high efficiency and restoration of the products.

Last but not least, the distribution of our products is done through a network of selected channel partners, who we extensively support by means of getting the best out of our solutions and being trained by our experienced staff to ensure products’ optimal operation.


Our goal is to meet our customers’ needs and minimize our energy footprint. We desire to preserve, in the best possible way, the most precious natural resource, Water, and to ensure its supply or treatment, with respect for people and the environment.


We aim to preserve the quality of life of our customers, always using sustainable solutions.
We want to make sure our customers have water where, when and for whatever they want it to.

We are committed to implementing best practices in wastewater management. We make sure that wastewater ends up, through integrated, state-of-the-art applications, at Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs).


We invest heavily in modern technologies in order to meet the high demands of urbanization and the ever-increasing needs of consumers, while at the same time improving our operations for the protection of the environment.


We commit to deliver solutions to our customers, suppliers, partners and the environment with a sense of responsibility and respect. We focus on the high quality of the products and services offered and on the continuous improvement of the overall buying experience or each stage of the life cycle of the projects we undertake.


Growth means knowledge and innovation. Knowledge leads to professional and personal development, as our people become more productive and efficient, helping us to shape a healthy corporate culture!


With climate change directly affecting everyone’s lives, we, as a company, owe it to society and the environment to help conserve and enhance natural resources. In order to meet the ever-increasing challenges in managing water resources, we invest in sustainable solutions and “Water Technology”.
We offer integrated services and high energy-efficient technologies, aiming for a better future.


For IDATOR, Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of our philosophy, as it is fully aligned with our values and policy framework and extends around multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations member-states in 2015.



Idator, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, undertakes actions that relieve social groups and strengthen the community. These initiatives include supporting charitable organizations, offering assistance to vulnerable social groups and participating in programs that promote well-being and solidarity.

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We conduct ethical business practices with transparency and integrity, in strict compliance with our Code of Conduct. We believe that economic prosperity and competitiveness are achieved through the proper and lawful conduct of our business activities, honesty and anti-corruption in accordance with ISO 37001:2016.

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We strongly believe that a company is its people. We ensure a safe and healthy working environment, free of discrimination, and supportive of professional and personal development, fully compliant with the international standard ISO 45001:2018.

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Our company is committed to a business operation that promotes sustainability and reduces our environmental footprint to a minimum. We comply with international standards and follow leading resource management practices.

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